Green Guide for Health Care Version 2.2

Conjunto de expertos | 01/01/2007
Arquitectura Documentación Documentos Green Guide for Health Care Version 2.2

The Green Guide for Health Care is a superb resource. It helps the leaders and managers of health care institutions "walk the talk", promoting the health of patients, visitors, employers, community members, and the global community, while operating economically and efficiently. I hope that every medical center, hospital, and clinic in the nation gets a copy of the Green Guide, takes its lessons to heard, and joins the growing movement toward healthier, more environmentally friendly environments in the health care sector.
1.- Introduction
2.- Checklist
3.- Credit Summary- Construction
4.- Credit Summary- Operations
5.- Integrated Design
6.- Sustainable Sites
7.- Water Efficiency
8.- Energy & Atmosphere
9.- Materials & Resources
10.- Environmental Quality
11.- Innovation & Design Process
12.- Integrated Operations
13.- Transportation Operations
14.- Energy Efficiency
15.- Water Conservation
16.- Chemical Management
17.- Waste Management
18.- Environmental Services
19.- Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
20.- Innovation in Operations

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