Health Building Note 09-03:Neonatal units

Department of health. UK | 20/03/2013
Arquitectura Documentación Documentos Health Building Note 09-03:Neonatal units

This Health Building Note covers the policy and service context, and planning and design considerations,for neonatal units. It covers all types of unit providing care for neonates who require more than the routine care provided in maternity units. This includes cot space provision for special care, high dependency care and intensive care, and the associated clinical and non-clinical support facilities, including facilities for families. It describes spaces that are unique to a neonatal unit. It also describes any variations to common hospital spaces and clarifies requirements for these spaces, where necessary.
For a full list of space components, see the example schedules of accommodation for a 5000-birth neonatal intensive care unit and a 2500-birth special care unit. Neonatal units are always co-located with a maternity unit. This guidance should be read in conjunction with Health Building Note 09-02 – ‘Maternity care facilities’, which includes requirements for the routine care of neonates within the maternity unit.

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