Seasonal prevalence of nosocomial Aeromonas hydrophila infection related to aeromonas in hospital water

Picard B, Goullet P | 01/09/1987
Gestión Higiene y desinfección hospitalaria Documentación Bibliografias Seasonal prevalence of nosocomial Aeromonas hydrophila infection related to aeromonas in hospital water

From: The Journal of Hospital Infection, Vol 10, pp 152-155

A seasonal variation in nosocomial Aeromonas hydrophila infection was correlated with the number of aeromonas in the hospital water supply. The high summer prevalence of A. hydrophila infection coincided with periods when water counts from storage tanks were highest. The waterborne origin of these infections highlights the importance of maintaining clean water supplies, especially where storage tanks are used. Monitoring A. hydrophila in hospital water, particularly during the summer months, may prove helpful.

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