Privacy and Security in e-Health Applications

Milan Petkovic, Luan Ibraimi | 15/12/2011
Servicios Hospitalarios Documentación Artículos Privacy and Security in e-Health Applications

The introduction of e-Health and extramural applications in the personal healthcare domain has raisedserious concerns about security and privacy of health data. Novel digital technologies require othersecurity approaches in addition to the traditional “purely physical” approach. Furthermore, privacyis becoming an increasing concern in domains that deal with sensitive information such as healthcare,which cannot absorb the costs of security abuses in the system. Once sensitive information about anindividual’s health is uncovered and social damage is done, there is no way to revoke the informationor to restitute the individual. Therefore, in addition to legal means, it is very important to provide andenforce privacy and security in healthcare by technological means. In this chapter, the authors analyzeprivacy and security requirements in healthcare, explain their importance and review both classical andnovel security technologies that could fulfill these requirements.

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