Tipología Arquitectura Estructura Laboratorios (p) Servicios Hospitalarios Servicios Centrales Diagnóstico y Tratamiento Farmacología Clínica Laboratorios Laboratorio de Inmunología Laboratorio de Microbiología Noticias EUROMEDLAB 2005

Glasgow, del 8 al 12 de mayo de 2005
16th IFCC-FESCC: "European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine"

The theme of the Scientific Programme for EuroMedLab Glasgow 2005 is Focus on the Patient and has been developed to provide a wide range of choice to participants. The basic structure of the programme is to have four parallel symposia running each morning and afternoon, with a choice not only of topic areas, but also of the desired balance between clinical, scientific, laboratory and management aspects. An innovation this year is to start and finish each day with a set of symposia, so that there is a substantial period of time in the middle part of each day. This allows us to give real emphasis to the plenary lectures, which will take place at the end of the morning and beginning of the afternoon sessions. Moreover, there will be time for a large choice of lunchtime activities, including roundtables, workshops, poster sessions or time to visit the extensive industrial exhibition.

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