Hospital Sustainability Gets Executives` Attention

Joe Cantlupe | 11/04/2011
Tipología Hospitales Generales Documentación Documentos Hospital Sustainability Gets Executives` Attention

The flow of trash seems endless, from Styrofoam cups and cardboard boxes to bloodstrewn surgical gowns, unused pharmaceuticals, and other medical waste. The energy consumption seems extravagant, with 24-hour-running HVAC systems and a constant stream of air-polluting carbon dioxide emissions. But that’s just your typical hospital.

Hospital leaders, who also are community leaders, face a challenge to be
environmentally responsible, even as their facilities drain so much energy and release so much waste.
- The Government Response
- A spark for a CEO
- Directing Sustainability
- Keep Tabs with Data
- EPA`s Green Building Strategies for Healthcare Facilities
- Dealing with Waste

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