Hospitals in the 27 Member States of the European Union

Varios autores | 01/01/2009
Tipología Hospitales Generales Documentación Documentos Hospitals in the 27 Member States of the European Union

This book studies the major changes in the hospital sector using a cross-sectional analysis of 27 national health systems. The analysis is structured to illustrate common trends in hospital systems over the past years, while showing their diversity from country to country in terms of the distribution of powers, funding for hospital operations and investments, status, organisation of care, etc. Finally, the book examines the influence of the EU on hospital and healthcare systems.
It was written in close collaboration with the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE). A major player in health affairs in Europe, HOPE lent its extensive knowledge of national health systems and community issues to the completion of this work.
- Foreword
- Notice to the Reader
- Introduction
1.- Health: A European Challenge
1.1.- Health challenges in the European Union member states
1.2.- Healthcare expenditure: Issues common to european union member states
2.- The modes of governance in the hospital sector
2.1.- Organisation and reganisation and regulation of the hospital sector
2.2.- Types of financing for hospital structures
3.- Hospital healthcare: Differences and similarities
3.1.- Reorganisation of hospital healthcare in Europe
3.2.- Hospital care
4.- EU influence and outlook
4.1.- Community competencies
4.2.- Principles of the internal market
4.3.- Hospital cooperation
- Conclusion
- Appendices
- Additional information

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