État des Énergies Renouvelables en Europe Édition 2012 - The state of renewable energies in Europe 12th EurObserv`ER Report

| 01/01/2013
Estructura Instalaciones Documentación Documentos État des Énergies Renouvelables en Europe Édition 2012 - The state of renewable energies in Europe 12th EurObserv`ER Report

For thirteen years now, EurObserv`ER has been collecting data on European Union renewable energy sources to describe the state and trust of the various sectors in its focus studies or barometers.
The first part of this assessment is an updated and completed summary of the work published in 2012 in Systémes Solaires (Journal des Énergies Reneuvables nos. 209, 210 and 212), Journal de l´Éolien no. 10and Journal du Photovoltaique no.7.

This publication provides a complete overview of the ten renewable sectors, supplemented by two summary notes on concentrated solar power and ocean energy. Their performances are compared against the stated goals set out by each country in its National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP).

Wind Power
Solar Thermal
Small Hydropower
Geotermal Energy
Ground Source Heat Pumps
Renewal Municipal Waste
Solid Biomass
Concentrated Solar Power Plants
Ocean Energy
- 2011 - Renewable Energies Stay on Course
- Socio Economic Indicators
- 7 Regional Case Studies

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