Handbook of Laser Technology and Applications
Volume 1: Principles
Volume 2: Laser Design and Laser Systems
Volume 3: Applications
Páginas: 2784 pág.
ISBN: 0750306076The invention of the laser was one of the towering achievements of the twentieth century. At the opening of the twenty-first century we are witnessing the burgeoning of the myriad technical innovations to which that invention has led. The first of the three volumes comprises an introduction to the basic scientific principles of lasers, laser beams and non-linear optics. The second volume describes the mechanisms and operating characteristics of specific types of laser including crystalline solid - state lasers, semiconductor diode lasers, fibre lasers, gas lasers, chemical lasers, dye lasers and many others as well as detailing the optical and electronic components which tailor the laser's performance and beam delivery systems. The third volume is devoted to case studies of applications in a wide range of subjects including materials processing, optical measurement techniques, medicine, telecommunications, data storage, spectroscopy, earth sciences and astronomy, and plasma fusion research.
This vast compendium of knowledge on laser science and technology is the work of over 130 international experts, many of whom are recognised as the world leaders in their respective fields.. Whether the reader is engaged in the science, technology, industrial or medical applications of lasers or is researching the subject as a manager or investor in technical enterprises they cannot fail to be informed and enlightened by the wide range of information the Handbook supplies.Webb, C.E.
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