Nosocomial transmission of opportunistic infections
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol, 1998 Aug;19(8):574-7
Gerberding, J.L.
San Francisco General Hospital, CA 94110, USA
Immunocompromised patients are at high risk for opportunistic infections. Traditionally, these infections were thought to arise from endogenous reactivation of previously acquired latent infections, and nosocomial transmission therefore was deemed to be so unlikely that no special infection control interventions were needed to prevent transmission in healthcare settings. However, new data have challenged this view and suggest that some opportunistic pathogens are transmissible from one immunosuppressed patient to another. Epidemiological investigations, molecular genotyping, animal studies, and air-sampling experiments lend support to the hypothesis that reinfection with opportunistic pathogens does occur, that airborne transmission is possible, and that nosocomial spread is a plausible explanation for case clusters. Taken together, these observations support the view that some opportunistic infections are exogenous in origin and that additional epidemiological investigations are needed to define the true risk of nosocomial spread and need for isolation.
Gerberding, J.L.
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