Laser Fundamentals

| 01/03/2004
Materiales y Revestimientos Varios Tecnología Equipamiento Médico Documentación Bibliografias Laser Fundamentals

Páginas: 666 pág.
ISBN: 0521833450
2ª Edición
Laser Fundamentals provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the physical and engineering principles of laser operation and design. Simple explanations, based throughout on key underlying concepts, lead the reader logically from the basics of laser action to advanced topics in laser physics and engineering. Much new material has been added to this second edition, especially in the areas of solid-state lasers, semiconductor lasers, and laser cavities. The new edition contains a new chapter on laser operation above threshold, including extensive discussion of laser amplifiers. The clear explanations, worked examples, and many homework problems will make this book invaluable to undergraduate and first-year graduate students in science and engineering taking courses on lasers. The summaries of key types of lasers, the use of many unique theoretical descriptions, and the extensive bibliography will also make this a valuable reference work for researchers.
Silfvast, William T.

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