Antiseptic Half-life ? A Smart ?Solution? to Ameliorate Hand Hygiene Chaos?

| 29/01/2009
Gestión Higiene y desinfección hospitalaria Smart Hospital Documentación Artículos Antiseptic Half-life ? A Smart ?Solution? to Ameliorate Hand Hygiene Chaos?

Páginas: 3 págs.

Dr. Robert L.R. Hill
Health Protection Agency (London) and Department of Infection, King?s College Hospital Campus, Guy?s, King?s and St Thomas? School of Medicine


Much attention is now focused on hand hygiene in healthcare. Handwashing is the prescribed method for preventing cross-infection via the hands, which accounts for about 40% of healthcare-associated infection (HCAI).1 In the US, national hand hygiene guidelines have been issued, but there is an international problem with compliance.
Hill, Robert L.R., Dr.

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