Ignition of Debris on Active Electrosurgical Electrodes

| 14/11/2008
Instalaciones Protección contra incendios Tecnología Equipamiento Médico Áreas quirúrgicas y de obstetricia Documentación Documentos Ignition of Debris on Active Electrosurgical Electrodes

Health Devices, sp-oct 1998;27(9-10):367-70

A member hospital reports that flames briefly flashed from the tip of an active electrosurgical electrode during a tonsillectomy. The patient was not harmed and no surrounding materials caught fire, but the risk that the fire could have spread or caused significant injury certainly existed. After the flash, staff noted that the shaft insulation near the tip of the electrode was badly melted and therefore suspected that a defect in the electrode might have initiated the fire.

While the reported problem occurred with an electrode extension blade, ECRI has investigated similar cases in which other types of active electrodes, such as suction/coagulator probes, were being used.

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