Kitchens as a source of Aspergillus niger infection

The Journal of Hospital Infection | 01/03/1996
Servicios Hospitalarios Servicio Hostelero Gestión Alimentación Higiene y desinfección hospitalaria Documentación Bibliografias Kitchens as a source of Aspergillus niger infection

J Hosp Infect, 1996 Mar;32(3):191-8

Loudon, K.W.; Coke, A.P.; Burnie, J.P.; Shaw, A.J.; Oppenheim, B.A.; Morris, C.Q.
Department of Medical Microbiology, Manchester Healthcare Trust, UK


In this study we investigated the epidemiology of a cluster of cutaneous infections owing to Aspergillus niger, which occurred in neutropenic patients in a bone marrow transplant unit. Heavy environmental contamination with the mould was found in the ward kitchen adjacent to the unit. The clinical and environmental isolates were typed by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), which showed one of the patients was infected with the same strain as that isolated repeatedly from the kitchen area. In another case, contaminated stockinette material was implicated as the source of infection. Thorough cleaning of the ward kitchen resulted in no further cases on the unit. This highlights the fact that aspergilli may spread to patients by air, food or other vehicles, and underlines the importance of searching for a source and ensuring high levels of hospital hygiene are maintained.
Loudon, K.W. ... [et al.]

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