Assessment of prolonged hospital stay attributable to surgical site infections using appropriateness evaluation protocol
[Cost evaluation of a ventilation system for operating theatre: an ultraclean design versus a conventional one]
The Influence of Various Air Exchange Rates on Airborne Particles and Microorganisms in Conventionally Ventilated Operating Rooms
Determinants of Legionella pneumophila contamination of water distribution systems: 15-hospital prospective study
Colonization of transplant unit water supplies with Legionella and protozoa: precautions required to reduce the risk of legionellosis
Susceptibility of Members of the Family Legionellaceae to Thermal Stress: Implications for Heat Eradication Methods in Water Distribution Systems
Continuous hyperchlorination for control of nosocomial Legionella pnuemophila: a ten years follow-up of efficacy, environmental effects, and costs. In: Legionella-Current Status and Emerging Perpectives.