Electrosurgical airway fires still a hot topic

| 30/10/2008
Instalaciones Protección contra incendios Tecnología Equipamiento Médico Áreas quirúrgicas y de obstetricia Documentación Documentos Electrosurgical airway fires still a hot topic

Páginas: 3 págs.
Health Devices, jul 1996;25(7):260-1

ECRI continues to receive many reports of electrosurgical airway fires and to investigate a number of them. Although these fires are often mistakenly attributed to malfunction of electrosurgical units (ESUs) used during surgery, in our experience they are actually the result of other factors. Airway fires are very serious and, if not quickly extinguished, can be deadly. All surgeons, whether experienced or newly trained, need to recognize the hazards presented by using ESUs in the oxygen-enriched atmospheres (OEAs)?atmospheres containing more than 23% oxygen?that are commonly present in the oropharynx.

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