Environmental Public Health Field Manual for Private, Public and Communal Drinking Water Systems in Alberta, Second Edition - 2004

| 01/01/2000
Instalaciones Fontanería Documentación Documentos Environmental Public Health Field Manual for Private, Public and Communal Drinking Water Systems in Alberta, Second Edition - 2004

In an effort to effectively address the public health issues pertaining to drinking water, a Technical Advisory Committee on Safe Drinking Water (TACSDW) was established in 2001 and produced this Environmental Health Field Manual for Private, Public and Communal Drinking Water Systems in Alberta. This manual requires ongoing input and maintenance to serve as a benchmark, and evolving water issues will require consideration and incorporation into this body of standards and guidance for public health professionals in this province.

This field manual is designed to be used by Health Agencies for the inspection and investigation of public, private and communal drinking water supplies. This manual does not govern POD, which is under the jurisdiction of Alberta Environment

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