Microbiological aspects of clinical waste

Phillips G | 01/01/2099
Arquitectura Documentación Bibliografias Microbiological aspects of clinical waste

From: The Journal of Hospital infection, Vol 41, No 1, January, pp 1-6

It is a requirement that hospitals and other areas that generate clinical waste must comply with good practice and legislation regarding its disposal. To meet the stringent European emission standards enforced in October 1995, there is a need to find an alternative to local incineration for dealing with clinical waste. The options included technologies such as gasification, steam sterilization or heat disinfection which can be used to process certain categories of clinical waste prior to landfill--all have advantages and disadvantages. Segregation of clinical and domestic wastes in healthcare settings is important to avoid accidents and litigation and to contain costs. Evidence that most clinical waste (other than perhaps waste from patients with certain infections and sharps) is a significant hazard to the public is lacking. More still needs to be done in the area of clinical waste management to assess the real risks and hazards of this waste.

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