Building material emissions study

| 30/09/2008
Arquitectura Documentación Documentos Building material emissions study

California Integrated Waste Management Board Number 433-03-015
Páginas: 17 págs.
Objetivos del estudio:

In order to determine the effect of materials with recycled content in relation to indoor air quality, it became clear that emissions data were required for standard building materials and their alternative sustainable counterparts. This concern prompted the CIWMB to fund a laboratorybased, three-phase study by the Public Health Institute (PHI), with the Department of Health
Services (DHS) being the principal investigator. The study focused entirely on those building materials with indoor air quality implications and consisted of three phases:

? Phase I focused on building materials used for permanent and portable classroom construction in California.
? Phase II focused on materials specific to State construction.
? Phase III focused on tire-derived flooring products.

The study had the following four main objectives:

1. To measure emissions from standard products, and compare them to those emitted from their alternative sustainable counterparts.
2. To measure chemical emissions from tire-derived resilient flooring and compare them to those emitted from their non-tire-derived counterparts.
3. To investigate the applicability of Section 01350 as a screening tool for standard and alternative building materials.
4. To identify additional chemicals of concern to the State using the test methods and reporting procedures described in Section 01350.

Alternative products, as defined for this study, do not only include recycled-content products, but also take into consideration the State?s definition of an environmentally preferable product as ?a product that promotes healthy indoor environments?.? (Public Resources Code [PRC] section 42635). Such materials utilize increased amounts of recycled content and other environmental
features with the goal of reducing impact to the environment during their production and disposal.

While a complete life cycle assessment would have been the most desirable approach for this study, the main emphasis focused on the materials? efficiency, including recycled-content products and their impact on indoor air quality (IAQ). It is also important to note that some standard materials include various amounts of recycled content while some alternative materials
include low recycled content, but enhanced IAQ features.

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