Healing the hospital environment: design, management and maintenance of healthcare premises.

E &FN SPON | 01/01/1999
Tipología Hospitales Generales Documentación Bibliografias Healing the hospital environment: design, management and maintenance of healthcare premises.

Este libro práctico y accesible va dirigido a los responsables de los edificios públicos importantes. Da una amplia gama de ejemplos de la mejora eficaz en el diseño, gerencia y mantenimiento de todos los tipos de premisas del hospital y de los centros de salud y de sus alrededores. Pensado para ayudar a los diseñadores profesionales, se adapta a los requisitos particulares de estos edificios y a su amplia gama de funciones.

Foreword by Professor Anthony Clare.xiii



CHAPTER ONE: The legacy and appearance of hospital buildings.1
CHAPTER TWO: Landscape, gardens and the space between the buildings.25
CHAPTER THREE: Principles of interior renovation: the role of the interior designer.47
CHAPTER FOUR: Departmental components of the average hospital: from reception to chapels.53
CHAPTER FIVE: Interior features: from floors to furniture.83
CHAPTER SIX: Colour and other factors.115
CHAPTER SEVEN: Arts and decoration: from high art to humble memorabilia.127
CHAPTER EIGHT: The human factor.159
CHAPTER NINE: Professional appointments: the `design team'.173
CHAPTER TEN: Fundraising.177



Hosking, S.; Haggard, L.

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