Nosocomial transmission of tuberculosis (TB) associated with care of an infant with peritoneal TB

Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology | 01/03/2000
Gestión Higiene y desinfección hospitalaria Documentación Bibliografias Nosocomial transmission of tuberculosis (TB) associated with care of an infant with peritoneal TB

Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol, 2000 Mar;21(3):222-3

Matlow, A.G.; Harrison, A.; Monteath, A.; Roach, P.; Balfe, J.W.
Department of Pediatrics, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Nosocomial transmission of tuberculosis (TB) after exposure to infected peritoneal fluid has not been described. We report the exposure of 111 healthcare workers to infected dialysate from an infant with TB peritonitis. Two (5%) of 39 primary-care nurses, but no doctors or environmental service workers, had apparent tuberculin skin test conversions, raising the concern that patients with peritoneal TB may be a source for nosocomial transmission of TB.
Matlow, A.G. ... [et al.]

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