Emerging Waterbone Infections in Health-Care Settings

| 27/10/2008
Instalaciones Fontanería Gestión Higiene y desinfección hospitalaria Documentación Artículos Emerging Waterbone Infections in Health-Care Settings

Páginas: 5 págs.
Emerging Infectious Diseases, march-april 2001;7(2):p.272-6

Alfred M. Emmerson
Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham, United Kingdom


Water is used in vast quantities in health-care premises. Many aquatic microorganisms can survive and flourish in water with minimal nutrients and can be transferred to vulnerable hospital patients in direct (e.g., inhalation, ingestion, surface absorption) and indirect ways (e.g., by instruments and utensils). Many outbreaks of infection or pseudoinfection occur through lack of prevention measures and ignorance of the source and transmission of opportunistic pathogens.
Emmerson, Alfred M.

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