Sollar installations : practical apliccations for the built environment

James & James Science Publishers | 07/11/2003
Instalaciones Energías alternativas y renovables Documentación Bibliografias Sollar installations : practical apliccations for the built environment

Páginas: 136 págs.
ISBN: 1-902916-45-X

Solar energy will play an important role in our future energy supply, to the advantage of both the environment and the economy. This book focuses on water-based solar heating technology, presenting basic principles on solar radiation and the solar heating system, including details on orientation and output, sizing, the solar collector, the solar circuit, heat exchangers, heat stores and overall system technology. This is followed by a detailed description of the following practical applications: multi-family dwellings, single-family dwellings, outdoor pools, large-scale solar heating technology. Other applications are also covered, including camp-sites, sports facilities, schools and industry. Key ratios are provided with practical examples, producing a clear picture that will enable readers to make a preliminary study of the technology and associated economics and decide on the applicability of solar heating in different projects. The book offers different participants in the building and building services sectors an opportunity to understand and use solar heating. The potential and diversity of solar energy is made clear with additional sections on solar electricity, passive solar and solar air heating. The author closes with a summary on the current position and likely future of solar energy. Solar Installations: practical applications for the built environment will be invaluable to designers, installers, end-users, academics and students as a reference text and springboard into this important subject. The author, Lars Andrén, has been Chairman of the Solar Energy Association of Sweden (SEAS) since 1995. He has over 20 years' experience working in this field, from the birth of solar technology, through its introduction and breakthrough into the heating market.
André, Lars

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