Healthcare Product Comparison System

ECRI Institute | 13/04/2011
Tecnología Equipamiento Médico Radiología Documentación Documentos Healthcare Product Comparison System

Learn what’s on the market worldwide select the models of your choice instantly
create model specific comparison charts new-export data into Excel spreadsheets -
Create custom tender documents (RFP’s) ... in the blink of an eye Streamline your decision making process by comparing thousands of brand named products using custom comparison charts covering hospital, laboratory, imaging and radiology equipment, Understand what’s on the market, how the technology works and the issues
surrounding best choice. Rapidly find the best product on the market that meets your needs, saving hours of searching Quickly choose and compile model specification data can and export directly into an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
1. Learn about the technology and discover what`s on the market from sources internationally
2. Select the report you are interested in, then refine your choice form the model specific comparison charts
3. Create you own model specific charts using the powerful new HPCS features
4. Export to to MS Excel
5. Generate custom tenders (RFP’S)

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