The impact of medical technology on future health care costs.

Center of Health Affairs | 28/02/2001
Tecnología Equipamiento Médico Documentación Bibliografias The impact of medical technology on future health care costs.


Penny E.Mohr, Curt Mueller, Peter Neumann, Sheila Franco, Meredith Milet, Laurie Silver, Gail Wilens


This report was prepareb by the Project HOPE Center for Health Affairs under a grant from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and the Health Insurance Association of America. The authors are grateful for substantive input made by expert panel members Alan Garber, Scott Gazelle, Craig Henderson, John Inadomi, William McGivney and Earl Steinberg. Helen Lazenby, from the Health Care Financing Administration's Office of the Actuary, was particularly gracious in providing us with 30 years of health spending data, In addition, reports provided by Naomi Aronsen of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Technology Evaluation Center and Karl Matuszewski of the University HealthSystem Consortium served as an invaluable foundation for the preparation of our case studies. We also are indebted to the careful review and comments provided by industry representatives and clinical experts too numerous to mention.

However, the generous assistance of all of these people does not imply their complete agreement with the content of this report. As usual, the opinions, estimates, and errors made here are those of the authors alone.
Mohr, Penny E. ... [et al.]

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