Chilled beams in laboratories: key strategies to ensure effective design, construction and operation

EPA. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | 01/06/2009
Tipología Arquitectura Estructura Laboratorios (p) Servicios Hospitalarios Servicios Centrales Diagnóstico y Tratamiento Documentación Documentos Chilled beams in laboratories: key strategies to ensure effective design, construction and operation

This guide is one in a series created by the Laboratories for the 21st Century (Labs21) program, a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Geared towards architects, engineers, and facilities managers, these guides provide information about technologies and practices to use in designing, constructing, and operating safe, sustainable, high-performance laboratories.

•Overview describes how such beams work and their benefits in a laboratory setting, and presents three case studies.

•Designing Chilled Beam Systems discusses sizing a system, the controls and integration required, and the challenges of modeling such systems.

•Construction examines system costs, how to hang chilled beams, and code compliance.

•Commissioning, Operations, and Maintenance
summarizes how to commission, operate, and maintain chilled beam systems.

• Appendix A contains a case study of the chilled beam system installed at the Tahoe Center for Environmental Sciences laboratory, which is also a Labs21 partner project.

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