Determinants of Legionella pneumophila contamination of water distribution systems: 15-hospital prospective study
Ultraclean air and antibiotics for prevention of postoperative Infection. A multicenter study of 8,052 joint replacement operations
Comparative assessment of chlorine, heat, ozone, and UV light for killing Legionella pneumophila within a model plumbing systems
Test dels programes de càlcul de pòrtics plans de formigó armat / realitzat per Ferràn Anguita de Caralt, Joan Duatis i Colomé
Double-bagging of items from isolation rooms is unnecessary as an infection control measure : a comparative study of surface contamination with single- and double-bagging
Epidemiological evidence of legionellosis transmission through domestic hot water supply systems and possibilities of control
Susceptibility of Members of the Family Legionellaceae to Thermal Stress: Implications for Heat Eradication Methods in Water Distribution Systems