Electrical safety code for high voltage systems (Escode-HV) : Management Policy

| 30/10/2008
Instalaciones Electricidad Documentación Documentos Electrical safety code for high voltage systems (Escode-HV) : Management Policy

Páginas: 17 págs.
ISBN: 0-11-3214197
Electrical safety code for high voltage systems (Escode - HV)
Management policy
Health Technical Memorandum 2021
London: HMSO


HTM 2021 defines the UK Health Departments' policy and operational guidance on electrical safety requirements for high voltage systems in health care and personal social services premises.

Guidance is intended to assist in meeting the requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 which detail the precautions to be taken against risk of death or personal injury from electricity in work activities.

HTM 2021 will also be of interest and practical help to those involved in the design, purchase and construction of electrical systems and equipment.

This volume -Management Policy- outlines the overall responsibility of managers of health care and personal social services premises, and details their legal and mandatory obligations in setting up and operating reliable high voltage electrical safety procedures. Included in this volume are model letters for appointment of/acceptance by an authorizing engineer.

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