Radiation Shielding for Diagnostic X-rays: Report of a Joint BIR/IPEM Working Party

BIR London | 11/04/2011
Servicios Hospitalarios Servicios Centrales Diagnóstico y Tratamiento Diagnóstico por la imagen Servicio radiología Documentación Bibliografias Radiation Shielding for Diagnostic X-rays: Report of a Joint BIR/IPEM Working Party

This report is a compendium of information for medical physicists involved in specifying shielding requirements for x-ray facilities. The report is a result of a joint effort of a working party from the British Institute of Radiology and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. The report provides an overview of different approaches to shielding that have evolved since the publication of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) report 49 in 1976.

BIR: British Institute of Radiology and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.

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