Conferencia Internacional - "Sistema de salud, ergonomía y seguridad de los pacientes"

Mobiliario y equipamiento Instalaciones Instalación sistema gestión Gestión Higiene y desinfección hospitalaria Tecnología Noticias Conferencia Internacional - "Sistema de salud, ergonomía y seguridad de los pacientes"

Florencia - Italia, del 30 de marzo al 2 de abril de 2005
The fundamental premise of this conference is that in order to enhance patient safety it's necessary to promote clinical risk management plans that increase healthcare systems reliability and medical staff well-being.
Ergonomists, medical doctors and surgeons, information technology experts, occupational psychologists, clinical engineers and architects will discuss human-technology-organization interactions, bridging knowledge in human factor and ergonomics with quality healthcare planning; the final goal is the design of a safer and patient-centered healthcare system.
We intend promoting a learning and reporting culture among health workers (physicians, nurses, technicians, administrators, management staff). An interdisciplinary approach is the fundamental requirement to improve quality of human-system interactions in healthcare services.


The Conference covers a broad range of topics, in both theoretical and applied research. The issue listed below are not intended to limit the range of submissions
Areas of interest
- System reliability and patient safety
- Occupational ergonomics and safety
- Usability of medical and surgical devices
- Environmental design in hospitals
- Leadership, staff well-being and care quality
- Healthcare organizations and information systems
- Risk perception and communication
- Human alertness and performance


- Ergonomists
- Occupational Psychologists
- Physicians
- Surgeons
- Clinical and bio-engineers
- Communication and human relations experts
- Architects and industrial designers
- Anthropologists
- Nurses
- Hospital administration and management staffs
- Pharmacologists
- Information technology experts
- Industrial hygienists
Società Italiana de Ergonomia (SIE)

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