Health Technical Memorandum 2014 - Operational management : Abatement of electrical interference

| 24/11/2008
Instalaciones Electricidad Documentación Documentos Health Technical Memorandum 2014 - Operational management : Abatement of electrical interference

Páginas: 29 págs.
ISBN: 0 11 321673 4

HTM 2014 gives comprehensive advice and guidance on the current and proposed legal and mandatory requirements placed on medical-electrical equipment used in healthcare premises with regard to electromagnetic interference (EMI)

It Outlines:

a. The basis of abatement of electrical/electromagnetic interference
b. The wide-ranging inadvertent interaction of the physical properties between different items of equipment due to EMI

In this volume - Operational management - simple guidance is given for locating a source of, or the reason for, electromagnetic interference or incompability between items of equipment. Guidance is only intended to assist in first-step diagnosis using simple checks and instruments.

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