Nosocomial outbreak of colonization and infection with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in preterm infants associated with contaminated tap water

Epidemiology and Infection | 01/06/2098
Servicios Hospitalarios Instalaciones Fontanería Gestión Higiene y desinfección hospitalaria Unidades Hospitalización Corta Estancia Neonatológica Documentación Bibliografias Nosocomial outbreak of colonization and infection with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in preterm infants associated with contaminated tap water

Epidemiol Infect, 1998 Jun;120(3):251-6

Verweij, P.E.; Meis, J.F.; Christmann, V.; Van der Bor, M.; Melchers, W.J.; Hilderink, B.G.; Voss, A.
Department of Medical Microbiology, University Hospital Nijmegen, The Netherlands


Between March and May 1996 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was cultured from endotracheal aspirate samples from five preterm infants in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Four infants were superficially colonized, but a fifth died due to S. maltophilia septicaemia. S. maltophilia was cultured from tap water from three outlets in the NICU including one with a previously unnoticed defective sink drain. Water from these outlets was used to wash the preterm infants. Environmental and clinical S. maltophilia isolates yielded identical banding patterns on random arbitrary polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR analysis. The outbreak was controlled by reinforcement of hand disinfection, limitation of the use of tap water for hand washing and by using sterile water to wash the preterm infants. We conclude that tap water should not be used for washing preterm infants in the NICU, unless steps are taken to prevent microbial growth in the outlets.
Verweij, P.E. ... [et al.]

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