Report of the Maryland Scientific Working Group to Study Legionella in Water Systems in Healthcare Institutions

| 14/06/2000
Instalaciones Fontanería Documentación Documentos Report of the Maryland Scientific Working Group to Study Legionella in Water Systems in Healthcare Institutions

During 1999, several cases of Legionnaire’s disease were identified in healthcare settings in Maryland. The occurrence of these cases raised questions about the need for further public health guidelines to reduce the risk of legionella infections associated with water systems. In October, 1999, Georges Benjamin, MD, Secretary, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), formed a Scientific Working Group to review scientific and technical data and gather information from experts on the current status of prevention and management of water system-related legionella bacteria. Membership was drawn from faculty and staff at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and School of Public Health, community healthcare organizations, and state and county departments of health (Appendix A). The Scientific Working Group was headed by Dr. J. Glenn Morris, Jr., Professor and Chairman, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine.
- Background
- Number and distribution of Legionnaire’s disease cases
- Clinical Diagnosis
- Ecology/Environmental Sampling
- Guidelines for prevention of nosocomial legionella infection
- Recommendations
- Remediation efforts include
- Secondary Prevention: Interrupting Transmission

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