The architectural design of obstetrical suites, a thermal comfort contribution

Fábio Bitencourt and Cláudia Barroso-Krause | 01/04/2006
Servicios Hospitalarios Servicios Centrales Diagnóstico y Tratamiento Bloque quirúrgico Documentación Documentos The architectural design of obstetrical suites, a thermal comfort contribution

The fundamental proposition in this work is to introduce alternatives and technical recommendations to improve thermal comfort and low energy through architectural design in healthcare spaces of obstetrical suites. It analyzes lighting and air conditioning planning issues and the specific circumstances of the women and the newborn`s healthcare components to high quality birth care. This article is also the result of unprecedented research, and presents innovative architectural design bearing a new and more human perspective on the natural birth process, and providing an environment that encourages active participation and awareness.
- Abstract
1.- Introduction
2.- Comfort in the childbirth environment
2.1.- Comfort and Air Quality
3. Final Considerations
- References

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