Thermal comfort, uniformity, and ventilation effectiveness in patient rooms: performance assessment using ventilation indices

| 23/01/2009
Servicios Hospitalarios Instalaciones Climatización Unidades Hospitalización Corta Estancia Documentación Artículos Bibliografias Thermal comfort, uniformity, and ventilation effectiveness in patient rooms: performance assessment using ventilation indices

Páginas: 14 págs.

This paper describes a study of the performance of a ventilation system in a typical patient room using CFD modeling and calculations of various ventilation indices. The results show that the use of basboard heating is necessary in extreme weather conditions. In particular, good occupant conditions are virtually impossible to achieve without baseboard heating. Further, in general weather conditions, a ventilation rate of 4 ACH provides adequate conditions, though an increase to 5 or 6 ACH is optimum.
Memarzadeh, Farhad; Manning, Andy

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